I'm a sotware developer with more than 10 years of experience, I've participated in lot of projects including web, destkop and mobile, I have 5 year as a tech lead and sometimes Scrum Master, but it was for food, I swear!
In charge for getting estimations and quotes for new projects, design software, managament of software developer teams, and sometimes I use to code in Python and VueJS, mostly I am in charge to get the job done from different teams, and provide the best solutions from costumer needs
I've started working with customers from USA as software engineer with c# and .Net, I've participated in projects from scratch and legacies project, followed TDD strategies, design patterns and worked with semi large team with QA automation tester, designers, well a complete scrum team.
I was responsible for the maintenance and design for an important company for vet products, we used C# with .Net as a technology, and also was responsible for new projects quotes and estimates
I became proficient with Jasper Reports, participated in legacy projects writtent in Java, creating ios application, android application and services for printer, I've worked with lot of languages here, but mostly Java and C# .Net.
I did junior stuff like modify UI based on requirements, some testing, and participated in an implementation of a electronical invoice for companies in Mexico, well that was not so jr...